
Would You Rather

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  • Would you rather have the ability to read minds or the ability to see the future?
  • Would you rather be highly optimistic and always see the bright side of things or be realistic and grounded?
  • Would you rather have a permanent clown face or a permanent clown outfit?
  • Would you rather have the power to time travel to the past or to the future?
  • Would you rather travel to the past and explore historical periods or travel to the future and see technological advancements?
  • Would you rather give up chocolate or give up cheese?
  • Would you rather travel solo or travel with a group of friends?
  • Would you rather travel light with just a backpack or have all the comforts of home with a large suitcase?
  • Would you rather have a job that requires constant learning and adaptation or a job with a more predictable and stable routine?
  • Would you rather have a job that pays extremely well but is highly stressful, or a job that pays moderately but is low-stress?
  • Would you rather be able to control the weather or have the ability to teleport?
  • Would you rather be able to travel to outer space or explore the depths of the ocean?
  • Would you rather have a rewind button for your life or a pause button?
  • Would you rather have a job that requires frequent travel or a job that allows you to work remotely from home?
  • Would you rather have the ability to speak all languages fluently or be able to talk to animals?
  • Would you rather accidentally send a personal text message to your boss or to your ex?
  • Would you rather have your phone ring loudly during a serious business meeting or have your alarm go off during a quiet moment in a movie theater
  • Would you rather go on a beach vacation or a city exploration trip?
  • Would you rather have a constant itch that you can't scratch or always have a sneezing fit but never be able to sneeze?
  • Would you rather live in a treehouse or in an underground cave?
  • Would you rather have a personal chef or a personal masseuse?
  • Would you rather have a talking parrot on your shoulder at all times or have a monkey as your personal assistant?
  • Would you rather have a bottomless bowl of ice cream or a bottomless pizza?
    English tip: When we say "bottomless" in the context of a food item or container, it means that it seems to have no end or limit.
  • Would you rather have unlimited money or unlimited time?
  • Would you rather have a photographic memory or the ability to forget anything you want?
  • Would you rather never eat your favorite food again or have to eat your least favorite food once a week?
  • Would you rather have the ability to always speak your mind or have the ability to always know when someone is lying?
  • Would you rather have a flying car or a talking dog?