
inside out

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  • What animal parts has Bing Bong got?
    Cat, dolphin and elephant
  • Why does honesty island collapse?
    Because Riley steals her mother's credit card
  • How long did Riley go through life without sadness?
    33 seconds
  • What are the names of the islands in Riley's head?
    goofball, honesty, family, hockey and friendship
  • What prize does Sadness receive in Imagination land?
    A participation award
  • What's the shortcut to the station to take the train back to headquarters?
    Abstract thought
  • How long did Riley go through life without sadness?
    33 seconds
  • What is Anger's job?
    He makes sure things are fair
  • What is the source of power in Bing Bong's rocket?
    song power
  • What is there in Riley's subconscious?
    Her darkest fears
  • Where does Riley live?
  • How many core memories does Joy carry?
  • How do the manage to wake Riley up?
    By manipulating her dreams so that she has a nightmare
  • What memory does Joy show Riley to make her happy?
    When she was laughing and milk came out of her nose
  • What is Bing Bong's last wish?
    She wants Joy to take Riley to the moon
  • What is the scary clown's name?
  • What is the fastest way back to headquarters?
    The train of thought
  • Where is Riley's imaginary boyfriend from
  • What is the brand in the commercial Riley likes?
    Triple Dent Gum
  • What was Riley's favourite part of the trip to her new home?
    When they took the picture with the dinosaur
  • Why does Riley play hockey badly at the tryouts?
    Because her core memories are gone
  • What is Disgust's job?
    She makes sure Riley is not poisoned
  • How long did Riley go through life without sadness?
    33 seconds
  • Why does friendship island collpase?
    Because Riley's best friend has a new friend
  • Why can't fear go away during the crisis?
    Because emotions can't quit
  • Which emotion is in charge when Riley decides to go back home?
  • How long did Riley go through life without sadness?
    33 seconds
  • What is Sadness's job the first day at the new school?
    She must stay in a circle Joy draws
  • What is Riley's new hockey team called?
    The Foghorns
  • What is Fear's job?
    He keeps Riley safe
  • Mention two of the new islands after the crisis
    Boy band, fashion, tragic vampire romance, social networking, school
  • What was Fear's favourite part of the trip to their new home?
    Wearing the seat belt?
  • What is Riley's best friend's name?
  • Where do forgotten memories go?
    To the dump
  • What's the first thing they find in Riley's subconscious?
    Riley's grandma's vacuum cleaner
  • Where does she move?
    San Francisco
  • Describe the 3 elements in Riley's dream on her first day at the new house
    house with ghosts, dead mouse, pizza with broccoli
  • What personality island is destroyed at the end of the movie?