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  • I couldn’t see anything. completely dark.
    It was
  • The journey took a long time. _________ a lot of traffic.
    There was
  • I wanted to visit the museum yesterday, but _________ enough time.
    there isn't
  • What’s that new building over there? _________ a hotel?
    Is it
  • ‘_________ a bookshop near here?’ ‘Yes, _________ one in Hudson Street.’
    Is there, There is
  • A few days ago _________ a big storm, which caused a lot of damage.
    there was
  • What’s the new restaurant like? _________ good?
    Is it
  • When we got to the cinema, _________ a queue outside. _________ a very long queue, so we decided not to wait
    There was, It was
  • _________often very cold here, but _________ much snow.
    It is, there isn't
  • I can’t find my phone. _________ in my bag – I just looked.
    It isn't
  • _________ something wrong with the washing machine. It’s not working properly.
    There is
  • How can we get across the river? _________ a bridge?
    Is there
  • _________ anything interesting on TV, so I turned it off.
    There wasn't
  • _________ difficult to get a job right now. _________ a lot of unemployment.
    It is, There is