
SI Engine Introduction

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  • Invented the first effective 4-stroke internal combustion engine in 1876
    Nikolous Otto
  • How many forward gears did the Model T have?
  • "You can have any colour you want, as long as it's ..."
  • How many Model T's were sold within its lifepan?
    15.5 million
  • Advantage of Petrol engine
    Speed and convenience
  • Invented the V-slanted engine
    Gottleib Daimler
  • Your favourite Teacher
    Sir Azim
  • 3 main sources of power
    Steam, internal combustion, electrical
  • Thick, black energy-rich liquid
    Crude Oil
  • Materials used to name wheel spokes on a Model T
  • Amount of pistons on a V-16 engine
  • Nickname given to the Model T
    People's Car or Tin Lizzie
  • Built world's first automobile powered by the internal combustion engine
    Karl Benz
  • Disadvantage of Petrol engine
    High levels of pollution
  • British engineer developed first practical pneumatic tyre
    John Boyd Dunlop
  • In which year was Otto's engine developed?
  • World's first mass-produced car
    Ford Model T
  • Starting the Model T
    Hand cranking 180 degrees
  • Founder of the Ford Motor Company
    Henry Ford
  • How many years did the Model T sell for?
    19 years