
Thermal Energy Transfer Test

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  • Which type of thermal energy transfer occurs when heat circulates in air or water (hot rises, cold sinks)?
  • What are criterion in a science experiment?
    the job you must accomplish with your experiment
  • Which of the following was a criterion from our medicine container project?
    must keep ice cold for at least 30 minutes
  • Which type of thermal energy transfer occurs when 2 objects of different temperatures touch?
  • What are constraints in a science experiment?
    limitations of a science experiment
  • What are constraints you might have to consider when building a cup to keep something hot?
    how much time you have to build what materials are available how much money it will cost
  • True or False: The cup made of Material 3 must be the best conductor?
  • If there was an arrow showing the thermal energy transfer between the two objects, which direction would it point?
    To the left (from the red cube to the blue cube)
  • In which direction does the transfer of thermal energy move?
    From the hotter object (fire) to the colder object (the pan)
  • Particles moving __________ have MORE kinetic energy. (hint: what speed are they moving?
  • Would more ice cream or less ice cream melt faster?
    less ice cream (less mass)
  • Based on the graph, which material of cup would keep the drink the hottest the longest?
    Material 3
  • Use the letters to put the thermometers in order from HOTTEST to COLDEST
    B, C, D, A
  • How do you know material 3 is keeping the drink the hottest? (hint: there may be more than one correct answer)
    Material 3 is the hottest at the end of the trial Material 3 has the highest line on the graph Materials 1, 4, and 2 are colder than Material 3
  • What is an example of conduction?
    Answers will vary: touching something hot pot on a burner melting ice in your hand
  • What is an example of convection?
    Answers will vary: lava lamp hot air balloon hot upstairs/cold downstairs pot of macaroni or boiling substance
  • Which type of thermal energy transfer occurs when heat travel in waves and does NOT touch another object?
  • Do larger things or smaller things heat up faster?
    smaller things (items with less mass)
  • What is an example of radiation?
    Answers will vary: sitting by a fire sun heating you up
  • What materials would you use if you had to build something to keep liquid hot for 30 minutes?
    Styrofoam, glass, wool, cotton, plastic, etc.
  • What is the temperature in degrees Celsius of this thermometer?
    15 degrees Celsius
  • True or False: The type, states, and amount of matter of an object can determine its thermal energy transfer
  • What were some constraints from our medicine container project?
    must be smaller than a shoebox must cost less than $20 must use materials found at home or brought by you
  • What are criteria you might have to consider when building a cup to keep something hot?
    how big it can be how long it has to stay hot