
Week 1 Mammals

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  • How can elephants communicate with each other?
    They use their trunks to communicate with others.
  • What do we call mammals that eat plants AND meat?
    We call them omnivores. People and some bears are omnivores.
  • What is the most intelligent mammal in the world besides a human?
    A chimpanzee is the most intelligent mammal in the world.
  • What is the loudest mammal in the world?
    The sperm whale is the loudest mammal in the world.
  • Can mammals lay eggs?
    No, they can't. They give birth to babies.
  • What do we call mammals that only eat meat?
    We call them carnivores. Lions, tigers, and hyenas are carnivores.
  • Can mammals walk and run?
    Yes, they can. Mammals on land have four legs to walk and run.
  • How can skunks scare enemies?
    They use their smell to scare enemies.
  • What is the smallest mammal in the world.
    A bumblebee bat is the smallest mammal in the world.
  • Can mammals breathe?
    Yes, they can. They have lungs to breathe air.
  • What do we call mammals that eat only plants?
    We call them herbiviores. Cows, horses, and pandas are herbivores.
  • Can mammals produce milk?
    Yes, they can. They produce milk to feed their babies.