
Bible Quiz

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  • About how long did Jesus preach and teach before His crucifixion?
    [About] three and a half years
  • How did Jesus teach His disciples humility and servanthood at the Last Supper?
    He washed the disciples' feet.
  • 10. Approximately how many years did it take to write the Bible?
    Approximately 1,600 years
  • Which of the Old Testament books is a collection of hymns and songs?
  • How did sin enter the world?
    Through the disobedience of Adam and Eve.
  • Which of Jesus' parables tells us that God is willing to forgive and restore the sinner who repents?
    The parable of the Prodigal Son
  • Who were the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah?
    Esau and Jacob
  • What happened to Daniel when he continued to pray to God instead of to the king?
    He was thrown into the lions' den.
  • In what language was most of the New Testament written?
  • When the flood came, how long did it rain?
    40 days and 40 nights
  • In which book and chapter of the Bible do we find the first record of the Ten Commandments?
    Exodus [chapter] 20
  • Who was the disciple who at first doubted Jesus' resurrection?
  • How did God disperse the people who built the tower of Babel?
    God confused the people with different languages so they couldn't understand one another.
  • What is worship?
    Worship is exalting and adoring God for who He is.
  • What is a deisciple?
    A disciple is a follower of Jesus.
  • What promise did God make to Moses at the burning bush?
    That God would rescue the Israelites out of Egypt.
  • Who was the baby that Pharaoh's daughter found floating in the river?
  • Who was Abraham's wife?
  • What happened to the Egyptians who tried to follow the Isrealites through the Red Sea?
    They all drowned
  • What happened when Jonah preached to the people of Nineveh?
    The people repented and God forgave them
  • Who was called the weeping prophet?
  • What did Joseph say was the meaning of the king's dream?
    Seven good years would be followed by seven years of famine.
  • Who were the first man and first woman?
    Adam and Eve
  • Which apostle betrayed Jesus?
    Judas Iscariot
  • Why did Joseph's brothers go to Egypt?
    To buy food
  • What are the two divisions of the Bible?
    Old Testament and New Testament
  • What did God use to lead the Israelites in the wilderness?
    A cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night?
  • What was Jesus' first miracle?
    Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana.
  • In the Parable of the Sower, to what did Jesus compare the seed?
    The Word of God
  • How did God persuade Pharaoh to let the Israelites go?
    By sending ten plagues upon the land of Egypt.
  • About how old was Jesus when He began His public ministry?
    [About] thirty years old
  • How did Peter escape from prison the night before Herod planned to kill him? 
    An angel opened the prison for him
  • Who were the first two brothers?
    Cain and Abel
  • Whom did God send to prepare the way for Jesus?
    John the Baptist
  • Who told Mary she would be the mother of the Messiah?
    The angel Gabriel
  • Who was the first person to see Jesus after He was resurrected?
    Mary Magdalene
  • By what miracle did the Israelites leave the land of Egypt?
    The parting of the sea [Red Sea]
  • Who was the first king of Israel?
  • How did Jesus prove His power over nature?
    By calming a storm on the Sea of Galilee
  • What did Jesus teach about material possessions?
    Don't be greedy. A person's life is not measured by how much they own.
  • What did Paul tell the Philippian jailer to do in order to be saved?
    Acts 16:31 "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household
  • Where did the universe come from?
    Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
  • What was the original name of the country God promised to Abraham?
  • What is prayer?
    Prayer is talking with God.
  • How did Jesus answer those who asked if it was right for them to pay taxes to Caesar?
    Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give God what belongs to God.
  • How did Jacob obtain the blessing of the firstborn son instead of Esau?
    By making his father, Isaac, thought he was Esau.
  • What did Paul call "the first commandment with promise"?
    Honor your father and mother.
  •  What is the penalty of sin?
    Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lortd
  • Which is the first of the Ten Commandments?
    Exodus 20:3 "You must not have any other god but me."
  • What special meaning did Joseph's dream have?
    He would be a great ruler someday, and his family would bow down to him.
  • Which book of the Bible tells about the beginnings of the Church?
  • How many books are in the Old Testament? 39 or 19?
  • Why were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego thrown into a blazing furnace?
    They refused to worship the gold statue set up by the king.
  • Where did Jesus live as He was growing up?
  • What is faith?
    Faith is a belief and complete trust in God. (Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1)
  • What is praise?
    Praise is expressing our love to God for all He is and all that He has done.
  • What is the Bible?
    The Bible is the inspired Word of God and His revelation to all people of Himself and His plan of salvation.
  • What are the four Gospels?
    Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
  • Which New Testament book is composed almost entirely of prophecies of the future?
  • Who was swallowed by a great fish when he ran away from doing God's will?
  • Which book of the Bible tells about the beginnings of the world?
  • How many books are there in the Bible? 66 or 99?
  • What is the longest book of the Bible?
  • According to church history, who was the only one of the twelve apostles not martyred for his faith in the risen Christ? John or Luke?
  • Who was Abraham's nephew
  • What giant did David kill?
  • What is the theme of the four Gospels?
    The life and teaching of Jesus
  • How did God provided food for the Israelites in the wilderness?
    By sending manna
  •  How many books are in the New Testament? 17 or 27?
  • What is grace?
    Grace means that God offers us His love and fogiveness as a gift and not because we have earned it or deserve it.
  •  In what languqage was most of the Old Testament written?
  • Whom did God tell David to choose to be king after his death?
  • What are the 2 special trees in the garden of Eden?
    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, The tree of life
  • In Jesus' parable, who helped the man who had been beaten and robbed?
    The Good Samaritan
  • Which of the Ten Commandments protects the sacredness of marriage?
    You must not commit adultery.
  • How was the way made for the women to get inside the tomb of Jesus?
    An angel had rolled away the stone
  • Into what country was Joseph sold as a slave?
  • What happened when Jesus was crucified?
    The sun became dark for 3 hours and there was an earthquake.
  • Whom did God spare from the Great Flood?
    Noah and his family
  • What did Jesus feed five thousand men, plus women and children?
    He multiplied five loaves and two fish from a boy's lunch.
  • To what country did Abraham go in time of famine?
  • Which of the Ten Commandments prohibits lying?
    You must not testify falsely against your neighbor.
  • What did the Roman officer who had been in charge of Jesus' execution say about Jesus?
    This man truly was the Son of God.
  • What child heard the voice of God speak to him during the night?
  • Which son of Saul was David's best friend?
  • What gift of God was given to the Church on the Day of Pentecost?
    The gift of the Holy Spirt
  • Why did God send a flood upon the earth?
    Because people were so wicked and they thought about evil all the time.
  • What did Daniel do when the king decreed he could no longer pray to his God?
    He continued to pray just as he always did.
  • Which of the Ten Commandments protects our right to own possessions?
    You must not steal.
  • After the flood, how did the people rebel against God?
    By building a tower that reached into the sky to make themselves famous.
  • Whom did God choose to replace Saul as king of Israel?
  • What two groups of men worshipped the Christ child?
    The shepherds and the wise men.
  • Whom did God appoint to be leader of Israel after Moses?
  • What was the main purpose of the sacrifices and offerings made by the Israelites?
    To purify them from their sins.
  • What new name did God give to Jacob after he wrestled with God?
  • What did Esau sell to Jacob?
    His birthright
  • What was the name of the son born to Abraham and Hagar?
  • How are people different from animals?
    God created people in His own image.
  • Who are the angels?
    Spiritual beings created by God.
  • Which of the Ten Commandments protects the sacredness of human life?
    You must not murder.
  • What is an epistle?
    A letter sent by an apostle
  • Who wrote many of the Psalms?
    King David
  • How did God reward Job for his faithfullness?
    God gave him as many children and twice as many possessions as he had had before his trial.
  • What does the word "gospel" mean?
    Good news
  • Who was the sister of Moses?
  • Whom did God give Moses to help him in bringing the Israelites out of Egypt?
    Moses' brother Aaron
  • After Jesus walked and talked with His apostles following His resurrection, what happened to Him?
    He was taken up into a cloud until they could no longer see Him.
  • How did the wise men find Jesus?
    They followed His star to where He was.
  • What did Jesus prophesy Peter would do on the night of His betrayal?
    Peter would deny knowing Jesus three times
  • What was the name of the son born to Abraham and Sarah?
  • How many years did the Israelites wander in the wilderness?
    40 years
  • Does God treat all people the same?
    Yes, all people are equal before God
  •  About how many people did God inspire to write the Bible?
    About 40
  • What is a prophet?
    A prophet is a person whom God has chosen to speak for Him in a special way through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Who did Jesus say was like the wise man who built his house upon the rock?
    Those who hear His teachings and follow them.
  • To whom was  Mary engaged to be married?
  • Who was the first person to be martyred for being a Christian? Peter or Stephen?
  • How old were Abraham and Sarah when Isaac was born?
    Abraham was one hundred and Sarah was ninety years old.
  • What man lost all of his possessions and his health but remained true to God?
  • Whom did Pharaoh appoint to prepare for the famine?
  • What did Solomon ask God to give him when he became king?
  • 147-On Mount Carmel, why did Eliah ask God to consume the sacrifice with fire?
    So that all of Israel would know what God was really God
  • What happened when the Israelites shouted at Joshua's command?
    The walls of Jericho collapsed.
  • Who did Jesus say was like the foolish man who built his house upon sand?
    Those who hear His teachings but do not obey them.
  • In what city were Jesus' followers first called "Christians"? In Antioch or Bethlehem?
  • How did Jacob show his special love for Joseph?
    By giving him a beautiful robe (coat of many colors).
  • What is sin?
    Sin is falling short of the glory of God (falling short of God’s  standard). (Romans 3:23)
  • What gifts were given to Jesus by the wise men?
    gold, frankincense, myrrh
  • In Ephesians, what command does Paul give to the children?
    Children, obey your parents