
Present Simple vs Present Continuous

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  • Hurry up! Everybody ________ (wait) for you.
    is waiting
  • My teacher_______ (not / drive) a car, he rides a bike.
    doesn't drive
  • A: Today dad ______ (cook) dinner. B: That's nice. What _______ (he / usually / cook) for dinner?
    is cooking / does he usually cook
  • __________(you/listen) to me now?
    Are you listening
  • A: ___________ (your friends / like) video games? B: Yes, they do!
    Do your friends like
  • We usually ____ to school by car but today we ____ (ride) our bikes.
    go / are riding
  • Look! Dad ____ (fix) the car.
    is fixing
  • Where _________ (your guests / sleep) tonight?
    are your guests sleeping
  • Be quiet, please! We _______ (take) a test.
    are taking
  • My little sister ____ (have) a big dog.
  • Look! _________ (they / dance) in the kitchen?
    Are they dancing
  • He ___________(do) homework now.
    is doing
  • A: Can you drive?  B:  I _______ (learn). My father ________  (teach) me.
    am learning / is teaching
  • Rachel ____ (be) in New York right now. She ____ (stay) at the Park Hotel. She always ____ (stay) there when she’s in New York.
    is / is staying / stays
  • My dad ____ (never / go) fishing on Sundays.
    never goes
  • My mum ________ (not / often / buy) tickets to the theatre.
    doesn't often buy
  • A: _________ (you / listen) to the radio? B: No, you can turn it off.
    Are you listening
  • _______ (she / drink) juice for breakfast every day?
    Does she drink
  • It _______ (rain) so take an umbrella.
    is raining
  • How much water_______ (you / drink) every day?
    do you drink