
Super Minds 4 U 6 + 7 Review

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  • Which country is the ____________?
  • This is the house_____________my mom used to live when she was younger.
  • A possessive ______________is an _________used in a noun to show that the noun owns something.
  • Why do we use third person?
    Third person is when you are talking about someone to someone else.
  • What are the 2 reasons we use it looks like?
    To talk about appearance of something or someone. To compare appearance.
  • For singular person/thing where does the ' & S go?
    noun + ' + s
  • It looks like is a ____________.
  • True or false: We use “looks like” when answering the question.
  • where is used for _____________.
  • What are Comparative Adjectives?
    Comparative adjectives are words used to compare the difference between 2 nouns.
  • my sister/ family / young
    My sister is the youngest person in my family.
  • 4 irregular adjectives in superlative form.
    best worst furthest most
  • What is a possessive pronoun?
    A word that replaces a noun and shows ownership.
  • Possessive pronoun: I =
  • Possessive pronoun: she =
  • This is the person________helped me find my lost dog.
  • For plural noun ending in s where does the ' go?
    apostrophe after s
  • Possessive pronoun: you =
  • All 2 or more syllable comparatives become more + _________. True or false?
  • this movie / that movie / boring
    This movie is more boring than that movie.
  • If the adjective ends in y, but there is a vowel in front we don’t remove the y. True or flase?
  • To make a comparative word you must change the adjective to the comparative form. How do you do that?
    adjective + er
  • What are adjectives?
    Adjectives are words that describe a noun.
  • The Burj Khalifa is the _____________ building in the world.
  • What are the 3 relative pronouns.
  • What does a centaur look like?
    It looks like a horse with a human upper body.
  • What are Superlative Adjectives?
    Superlative adjectives are words used to compare the difference between 3 or more nouns.
  • True or false: We use “looks like” when answering a comparison question.
  • first person pronouns:
    I We
  • Possessive pronoun: they =
  • 4 irregular adjectives in comparative form.
    better worse further more
  • who is used for _________.
  • To make a superlative adjective word you must change the adjective to the superlative form. how do you do that?
    Adjective + est
  • hair got short eyes brown i’ve and blue
    I’ve got short brown hair and blue eyes.
  • Why do we use “it looks like” in grammar?
    We use it looks like to talk about the appearance of someone of something.
  • Steve is the ___________ person I know.
  • In one syllable CVC adjectives the last letter is doubled to form comparative and superlative form. True or false?
  • Third person pronouns
    He she it they
  • which is used for ___________.
    things and animals
  • Possessive pronoun: he =
  • Comparatives compare 3 or more nouns. True or false?
  • Possessive pronoun: it =
  • Why do we use first person pronouns?
    First person pronouns are when you are talking about something that includes yourself.
  • does look what sister like your?
    What does your sister look like?
  • Why do we use second person?
    Second person is when we are talking to someone directly.