
Talking about plans

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  • Expression: Eu fazer algo, a não ser que outro algo aconteça
  • What are your plans for next year?
    I don't know yet....
  • What are you going to do after class?
    I'm going to...
  • Expression: Começar um negócio
    I'm setting up a gym
  • Expression: Começar algo
    Take up a new sport
  • What ___ you ___tonight? (do)
    are, doing
  • What are you going to do on Saturday?
    I'm going to play volleyball
  • Expression: Have you got ___ ____ for the weekend?
    any plans
  • Expression: Não tenho planos
    I don't have any plans
  • What are you going to do around the house today?
    I'm going to tidy up the changing room
  • Expression: What are you __ to today?
  • Expression: I don't __ yet