
Past Simple vs Present Perfect

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  • '______ (you read) Treasure Island?’ ‘Yes, twice! It’s my favourite novel.’
    Have you read
  • When ______ (you last hear) from Tom?
    did you last hear
  • What verb tenses do we normally use with "just" and "already"?
    Present Perfect
  • Correct the mistake: "Did you ever watch this film?"
    Have you ever watched this film?
  • Correct the mistake: "I never saw that person in my life."
    I have never seen that person in my life.
  • What tense do we normally use with "ago"?
    Past Simple
  • Beth and I ______ (be) friends since we were ten – and we always will be.
    have been
  • The train ______ (just get) in – hurry up!
    has just got
  • Sean and Tom ______ (be) very close for a long time, but then they lost touch.
  • When do we use "yet"?
    In negative and interrogative sentences.
  • Correct the mistake: "This is the first time I swam in the sea."
    "This is the first time I have swum in the sea."
  • Correct the mistake: "I have did all my homework."
    I have done all my homework.
  • The first time I ______ (see) that film was five years ago, but I still remember it very well.
  • Dad ______ (be) shopping for two hours now – should we give him a ring?
    has been
  • Mrs Salinger ______ (not come) in yet – would you like to leave a message?
    hasn't come