
Giving Directions

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  • What is in front of the department store?
    The train station
  • Where is the dog?
    It is in front of the pet store
  • Where are the people?
    They are in front of the dry cleaner.
  • Where is the post office?
    It is next to the swimming pool
  • How do I get to the swimming pool?
    Go straight for 1 block. It's on your right.
  • Where is the tunnel?
    It is in front of the park
  • Where am I?
    In front of the factory
  • What is next to the hotel?
    The bridge
  • Where is the hotel?
    It is next to the bridge
  • What is in front of the university?
    The park
  • Where is the train stat?
    It is next to the train station
  • How do I get to the clock tower?
    Go straight for 1 block. It's on your left.
  • What is in front of the factory?
    The department store