
BQ Day 1, 11-17yrs, Theme 4

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  • I denied Jesus 3 times. Who am I?
    Simon Peter
  • Jesus named us Boanegres, meaning Sons of Thunder. Who are We?
    James and John, sons of Zebedee
  • I was a keeper of sheep and was killed by my brother. Who am I?
  • I am the Word who became Flesh. Who am I?
    Jesus Christ (John 1:14)
  • I was contending with the Devil, and was disputing about the Body of Moses. Who am I?
    Archangel Michael (Jude 1:9)
  • 10. I was made alive even after I had died and was buried in a Tomb. Who am I?
    Lazarus, brother of Martha and Mary
  • I was the last Judge and the first prophet of Israel. Who Am I?
    Samuel (1 Samuel 7:6, 15 -16 Judge) (1 Sam 3:20, Acts 3:24, 13:20)
  • My bones were carried out of Egypt. Who am I?
    Joseph, son of Jacob
  • Jesus asked me for a drink of water. Who am I?
    . The Samaritan Woman
  • Jesus delivered me from seven demons. Who am I?
    Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9, Luke 8:2)
  • I am the mother of King David’s Grandfather, Obed. Who am I?
  • I am the Life, Gate, Way and Bread to name just a few. Who am I?