
Past Simple Verb To Be

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  • What was the weather like in Malawi?
    It was dry.
  • Last summer I was in London. There ______ a lot of cars.
  • Yesterday I was at the hospital, but there ______ any doctors!
  • What was the boy happy with?
    He was happy with his grade/test.
  • Yesterday I was in the park. There ____ a beautiful dog.
  • What was the weather like yesterday?
    It was windy.
  • What was there at the park? (2 sentences)
    Student's answer
  • Where were the students in February?
    They were at school.
  • Imagine you were at a carnival last weekend. What was there? (four sentences)
    Student's answer
  • Who was your favourite teacher when you were in primary school?
    Student's answer
  • What was there at the music festival? (2 sentences)
    Student's answer
  • Where were you last summer? What was there?
    Student's answer
  • She ________ really bad at playing the guitar.
  • Where were you last night? What was there?
    Student's answers.
  • Where was your family last weekend?
    Student's answer
  • Imagine you were at a football match yesterday. What was there? (four sentences)
    Student's answer
  • What was the weather like yesterday?
    It was sunny.
  • Where were you yesterday at 10 am?
    Student's answer
  • Where were you last Sunday? What was there?
    Student's anwers.
  • What was your favourite movie as a child?
    Student's answer
  • What was the weather like yesterday?
    It was rainy.
  • There _______ many students in physics class yesterday.
  • What was the name of your first pet?
    Student's answer
  • What was Ana worried about last Monday?
    She was worried about the test.
  • Last night there _____ a mouse in the kitchen!
  • Where was your mom yesterday at night?
    Student's answer
  • What was the weather like yesterday?
    It was foggy.