
CS 20 Final Exam Review

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  • True or False: Catholics worship Mary and the other saints in heaven
  • When Catholics participate in these (there are 7 of them) we are better able to accomplish the mission of the Church
    The 7 Sacraments
  • Name 1 proof of the Resurrection of Jesus
    teacher discretion...too many to list
  • A solemn agreement where there are mutual commitments and a sacred bond is created
  • What Church did Martin Luther found (even though he did not want to)
    The Lutheran Church
  • You cannot have the joy of an "Easter Sunday" experience without first having this?
    The suffering of a "Good Friday"
  • The pope and bishops in their roles as teachers of the faith is defined using THIS term?
  • What does the word Theotokos mean and who does it refer to?
    "Bearer of God" or "God bearer"//Mary
  • What does "sanctify" mean?
    To be made holy
  • This word is used to describe the respect we give to the saints, it is not the same as worship
  • Jesus is MOST PRESENT to Catholics in what?
    the Eucharist
  • Being saved from sin in order to go to heaven define which term
  • Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would be a _____ _______.
    Suffering Servant
  • THIS is our FIRST and BEST teacher
    The Family
  • Jesus gave us these as instructions on how to love out our love for others
    The 8 Beatitudes
  • The parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard remind us to treat others with equality or equity?
  • What is secularism
    Removing God from everything
  • If this did not happen, Christianity is a waste of time
    The Resurrection
  • The free and undeserved gift of God's mercy and love defines what term?
  • Explain what Apostolic Succession is
    the authority that Jesus first gave to Peter and the Apostles is passed down to their successors (pope and bishops)
  • Martin Luther instigated this major event
    The Protestant Reformation
  • Jesus going back to heaven forever defines which term?
  • This person is known as the "First Disciple"
  • Martin Luther believed the Bible alone should be used NOT Sacred Tradition. This is called...
    Sola Scriptura
  • True or False: Catholics and Protestants have the exact same Bible?
    false. Catholic has 73 books. Protestants have 66 books
  • What is the mission of the Church?
    To share the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ
  • This term refers to Jesus being FULLY HUMAN and FULLY DIVINE
  • Who is a modern day successor of St. Peter?
    The Pope (Pope Francis)
  • St, Peter was given THESE by Jesus to symbolize him receiving earthly authority from heaven
    The keys to the kingdom
  • The suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus defines what term?
    The Paschal Mystery