
Let's go 1 unit6 Mr. Trung

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  • How's the weather?
    It's rainy
  • How many cats are there?
    There are 5 cats.
  • How's the weather?
    It's windy
  • ________ clouds in the sky.
    There is
    There are
  • Choose the correct answer
    A puddle
  • Choose the correct answer
    A book
  • Choose the correct answer
    An apple
  • How's the weather?
    It's cloudy
  • Choose the correct answer
    A chair
  • How many clowns are there?
    There are three clowns.
  • ________ a banana on the table.
    There is
    There are
  • How's the weather?
    It's sunny
  • Choose the correct answer
    A tree
  • Choose the correct answer
    A flower
  • How's the weather?
    It's snowy
  • ________ a dog on the road.
    There is
    There are
  • How many robot are there?
    There is one robot.
  • How many people are there?
    There are two people.