
Rooms in the house

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  • Where is it?
    It's in the kitchen
  • Get 15 points
  • Unscramble: erweh si it?
    where is it?
  • what's this?
    living room
  • Get 20 points
  • Where is it?
    it's in the bedroom
  • What's this?
    a lamp
  • What's this?
    a house
  • Where is it?
    it's in the living room
  • Where is it?
    It's in the living room
  • Where is it?
    it's in the bathroom
  • where is it?
    it's in the kitchen
  • Where is it?
    It's in the bathroom
  • What's this?
  • Unscramble: btahmoro
  • what's this?
    a kitchen