
Brainy 5 klasa 5 revision

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  • translate: w, na, pod, za, in front of, next to, between
  • say what you mustn't to do...
    I mustn't...
  • Say part of the house unit 2
  • say sports unit 3
  • translate:warm, wet, windy, ho, sunny, cloudy, foggy, freezing, snowy
  • Say countries and continents unit 1
  • say the room in the house
  • say household chores unit 4
  • past form of to be
  • say what you must to do...
    I must..
  • what date is today
    today is...
  • What size of pizza you like?
    I like...size
  • translate: O nie, znów!
    oh no! Not again.
  • translate: czy mogę zamówić pizze?
    Can I order a pizza?
  • What's the weather like?
  • What do you know about Present Simple
    a few
    a lot of
  • translate: It's bargain.
  • What dou you know about Present Continuous
    a few
    a lot of
  • say sth about compereative and superlative
    -er, the -est, more, the most, than
  • say subjects
  • translate: Czas na...
    It's time to...
  • finish: eat...
    fizzy drinks
    a kebab stall
    three meals a day
  • Verb to be
    am is are
  • what you do you remember about be going to
  • translate: zawsze, zazwyczaj, czesto, czasami, prawie nigdy, nigdy.
  • translate: Must/mustn't
  • translate: nie martw się
    Don't worry
  • say shops unit 6
  • say what you remember about media unit 7
  • miec
    have got/has got
  • finish: get lunch from
    a takeaway
    your five days
    sparkling water
  • translate: Jaki jest twój adres?
    What's your address?
  • translate: there is/there are
  • what dou you remember about past simple
    a few
    a lot of
  • say clothes 5sizes?
  • say means ot transport
  • finish: have lunch at...
    still water
    the school canteen
  • say sports equipment
  • say places at school unit 5