
Amplify Ocean, Atmosphere, and Climate

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  • an idea about what might happen that is based on what you already know
  • Energy transfers from ___ substances to ___ substances. ___ currents transfer energy to ___ air, and ___ air transfers energy to ___ currents.
    warmer, colder, warmer, cooler, warmer, cooler
  • a giant pattern of moving water that spans whole oceans and moves water from place to place in a circle
  • the ability to make things move or change
  • any of Earth’s main continuous areas of land, such as Africa, Asia, and North America
  • general weather patterns over a long period of time
  • to move from one object to another or one place to another
  • a result or change that happens because of an event or process
  • scientists around the world who share information and ideas
    scientific community
  • In normal years, prevailing winds tend to blow __ to ___ at the equator
    East to West
  • a measure of how hot or cold something is
  • a climate pattern where water near the equator gets hotter than usual and affects the weather around the world
    El Niño
  • the distance of a place north or south of Earth's equator
  • ocean water flowing in a continuous path
    ocean current
  • an event or process that leads to a result or change
  • Changes to prevailing winds affect ___. Changes to ocean currents affect how much ___ is brought to (or taken away from) a location.
    ocean currents, energy
  • the outside or top layer of something
  • When an ___ comes from the equator, it brings __-than-expected water to the places it passes, and that water is ___ than the nearby air.
    ocean current, warmer, warmer
  • an object, diagram, or computer program that helps us understand something by making it simpler or easier to see
  • the study of weather patterns over a long period of time
  • When an __ comes from a pole, it brings __-than-expected water to the places it passes, and that water is __ than the nearby air
    ocean current, colder, colder
  • the distance of a place east or west of Earth's prime meridian
  • Is a city at 5° N going to be colder than a city at 45° S
  • related to the sun
  • An __ may have more than one ___; these may be linked into a chain of __ and ___.
    effect, cause, causes, effects
  • • Energy from the __ is transferred to Earth’s ___. Some of that energy is then transferred to the ___ above the ___.
    sun, surface, air, surface
  • the imaginary line that divides Earth into northern and southern hemispheres (halves
  • ___ and the ___ determine the direction of ocean currents.
    prevailing winds, position of continents
  • a process in which deep, cold water rises toward the surface of the ocean
  • winds that move in one direction and are strong enough to push ocean currents
    prevailing winds
  • How could one city be warmer than another city if they're on the same latitude
    There's a warm ocean current starting from the equator transferring energy to one of the cities
  • How do prevailing winds affect ocean currents?
    Prevailing winds affect the direction of ocean currents.
  • How does El Niño change the earth's climate?
    It changes the direction of prevailing winds, which changes the direction of ocean currents, which changes where warm water is carried, which heats air
  • The closer a location is to the equator, the __ energy it receives from the sun. Therefore, a location’s air temperature is affected by its ___ from the equator.
    more, distance
  • to use any of the five senses to gather information about something