
7. Holidays

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  • Riddle: It's a venue where large sporting events, concerts, and other performances take place. People gather there for entertainment and excitement. What is it?
    A stadium (un estadio)
  • Riddle: it's a structure that commemorates an event, person, or historical significance. People visit it to learn and remember. What is it?
    A monument (un monumento)
  • How do you say "centro comercial" in English?
    Shopping centre
  • Riddle: It's a building where local government officials work. Important decisions and administrative tasks are carried out there. What is it?
    The town hall (el ayuntamiento)
  • How do you say "galeria de arte" in English? 
    Art gallery
  • How do you say "librería" in English?
  • Hacer snowboard: I ______ ______ during winter my holidays in the Alps.
    I *went snowboarding* during winter my holidays in the Alps.
  • How do you say "biblioteca" in English?
  • How do you say "grandes almacenes" in English?
    Department store
  • Comprar regalos/recuerdos: I always _______   _______ /______ for my family when I go on vacation.
    I always *buy gifts/souvenirs* for my family when I go on vacation.
  • Riddle: It's a place dedicated to sports and physical activities. People go there to exercise, play games, and stay fit. What is it?
    A sports centre (un centro deportivo)
  • Riddle: It's a structure that sprays water into the air, creating a beautiful display. People gather around me to admire and relax, and sometimes you can drink from it. What is ir?
    A fountain (una fuente)
  • Hacer turismo: We went ________ and exploring the historic landmarks of the city.
    We went *sightseeing* and exploring the historic landmarks of the city.
  • Visitar/Darse una vuelta/echar un vistazo a un mercado: We enjoyed _______-ing _______ the market, filled with local crafts and delicious food.
    We enjoyed *looking around* the market, filled with local crafts and delicious food.
  • Pasar el rato: During my holiday, I plan to ______ ______ with my friends and have a great time together.
    During my holiday, I plan to *hang out* with friends and have a great time together.
  • Hacer snorkel/buceo: We ______ _______ in the crystal-clear waters of Thailand.
    We went snorkelling in the crystal-clear waters of Thailand.
  • Alquilar una bici: It's a great idea to _____ a bike and explore the city at your own pace.
    It's a great idea to *hire* a bike and explore the city at your own pace.
  • Riddle: It's a place for young people to socialize, engage in activities, and have fun together. What is it?
    A youth club (un centro/club juvenil)
  • Riddle: It's a structure that connects two sides. People walk or drive over it to reach the other side. What is it?
    A bridge (un puente)
  • Hacer fotos: I always ______  ______ to capture the memories of my travels and share them with others.
    I always *take photos* to capture the memories of my travels and share them with others.