
English 1 - Unit 1 to 5

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  • What time is it now?
    All right?
  • Describe two classmates. Tell us their job and age.
    All right?
  • Tell us 5 free-time actvities.
    Reading, Running, Listening to music, ...
  • Name 6 electronic devices.
    Cellphone, laptop, earphones, ...
  • Name 6 nationalities.
    Brazilian, Mexican, Brittish, American, Canadian, Chinese, ...
  • Name 3 things next to you. Tell us what it is and its color!
    All right?
  • Tell us the age of three people in your family.
    All right?
  • Name all the days of the week!
    Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday!
  • Name 5 things we eat or drink for breakfast.
    Bread, Coffee, Milk, ...
  • Name 6 types of transportation.
    Car, motorcycle, ferry, boat, plane, ...
  • Name 6 colors.
    Orange, Yellow, Blue, Black, White, Red, Pink, ...
  • Tell us 3 rules to start a word with capital letters!
    People's name; Days of the week; Nationalities; Places, ...
  • Complete with correct pronouns.
    him - you - she