
Drug Overdose and Alcohol Poisioning

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  • Taking too much of a substance; prescription, over the counter, legal or illegal is called
    Drug Overdose
  • Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning? (name 5)
    confusion, vomit, blackout, slurred speech, irregular breathing, unresponsive, seizures, cold and clammy skin,
  • What is the cause of a drug overdose?
    Taking more of a drug than your body can handle. A toxic amount.
  • What should I do if I suspect someone has alcohol poisoning?
    Call 911, keep them awake, give them water, keep them warm, prevent choking
  • What should you do if you suspect someone is experiencing a drug overdose?
    Call 911 and stay with them. If you know how to administer Naloxon, do so.
  • True or False - All drug overdoses are fatal
    False. BUT more are fatal than not.
  • Treatment for Alcohol poisoning
    IV fluids, stomach pumping
  • What is one of leading cause of accidental death in the US?
    Drug Overdose
  • The cause of alcohol poisoning?
    Drinking more alcohol than your body can filter it out of your blood. Binge Drinking.
  • What are symptoms of a drug overdose. (name 5)
    vomiting, unresponsive, chest pain, dizzy, stomach pain and abdominal cramping. Loss of coordination, pale, impared speech.,
  • What is the treatment for an opioid overdose?
  • What are the majority of overdose deaths to in the US due to?
  • What is it called when you drink large amounts of alcohol in a short amount of time?
    Alcohol Poisoning