
Life Sciences first term revision for Year 4

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  • What is the name of the climate that has rain every season (in Türkiye)?
    Black Sea climate.
  • What are rocks used for?
    Getting energy (pertoleum), building things (brivk), making things.
  • What does salt do to food?
    We use it to flavour food. Also, if you put meat or fish in salt, they stay good for a long time.
  • Coal and petroleum, are made from living things after they die. Name the type.
  • There are many different types of rocks. True or False?
  • Which instrument measures precipitation?
    A rain gauge.
  • Explain the geosphere.
    The geosphere is the hard part of the Earth.
  • Name a liquid rock.
  • Name the three climate types in Türkiye.
    Mediterranean Climate, Black Sea Climate and Terrestrial Climate.
  • What are rocks?
    The hard part of the Earth is made from rocks.
  • What do you know about salt?
    Roman empire used salt instead of money.
  • Explain the hydrosphere.
    The hydrosphere is all the water ob Earth.
  • What does an anemometer measure?
    Wind speed.
  • Name some instruments a weather station has.
    Thermometer, anemometer, weather vane, rain gauge.
  • How many layers is the Earth made up of?
  • Name the world climate zones.
    There is a hot zone, two temperate zones and two cold zones.
  • Marble is made from limestone. Slate is made from clay. Name the type.
  • Some rocks, like basalt, are made up of lava from volcanoes. Name the type.
  • What are the main gases in air?
    Nitrogen and oxygen.
  • What protects us from the harmful rays of the Sun?
    The ozone layer.
  • Clay is a hard rock. True or False?
  • What is the thickest layer of the geosphere?
  • Name the inner layer of the geosphere.
  • Explain the atmosphere.
    The atmosphere is made up of air.
  • If you look closely at a rock with a magnifying glass, you can see it is made up of very small pieces. They are called?????