
Connor End of the Year

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  • What is an example of positive self talk?
    I can do hard things!
  • How do we know when something is okay to say out loud, and when it would be better to keep it in our heads? (Think it or Say it)
    If it makes them feel happy, excited, okay
  • How can we start a conversation with someone?
    Ask a question!
  • Your friend wants to talk about their favorite tv show. You think that show is stupid. Think it or Say it?
    Think it!
  • Name something you have in common with someone else in the class
    Good job!
  • It's your friend's birthday. You know they like Frozen, the color purple, and music. What could you get them as a gift?
    Good job!
  • What is a compliment?
    A compliment is a nice comment about someone or something
  • Give an example of a conversation driver
    Nodding, asking a question, making a comment, staying on topic, whole body listening
  • What important information should we include when we are sharing news?
    When, Who, What, Where, Why?
  • What are the parts of the feedback/constructive criticism/response tree?
    Roots- something you enjoy, something they are good at. Trunk- Something that's bothering you, something you want them to change. Leaves-Something you like
  • Give a compliment to a friend
    Is it true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, kind?
  • What is a friend file?
    Information you keep in your brain about a friend to help you have a conversation
  • Give an example of a conversation stopper
  • What are the three A's that help us have a conversation?
    Answer, Add, Ask
  • It's Monday morning. How can you start a conversation with a friend?
    How was your weekend?
  • Why is it important to make comments when talking to our friends?
    So they know we are listening and interested!
  • Someone asks you a question and you know the answer. Do you keep this thought in your head or say it out loud?
    Say it!