
ISE II Language Functions

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  • 2 phrases to express disagreement
    I´m afraid I disagree/we´re not on the same page
  • 3 synonyms for the word: advantage
    benefit/upside/positive aspect
  • Talk about education in the past using used to
  • We use this to talk about past habits/states
    used to
  • 2 phrases to express partial agreement
    I see where you´re coming from, but.../I see your point, but...
  • 3 Advice Modals
    should/ought to/had better
  • 3 modals to express possibility
  • 3 phrases to ask for opinion
    What are your thoughts on that?/What´s your take on that?/Do you agree?
  • A synonym for: a lot of advantages
    multiple/numerous advantages
  • How do we say that: The advantages are more than the disadvantages?
    The advantages outweigh the disadvantages
  • 3 phrases used to make suggestions
    Have you thought about...?/How about...?/Would ....appeal to you?
  • 3 synonyms for the word: disadvantage
    drawback/downside/negative aspect
  • Give 3 opinion phrases