
beg your pardon

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  • When you think someone called you a bad name or offended you.
    EXCUSE ME?????
  • You want to ask forgiveness from your grandmother on Yom Kippur.
    I'm sorry
  • You don't know where to go and need directions
    Excuse me?..
  • You spilled your drink on your girl/boyfriend.
    Whoops! My bad!
  • You work in a store and an angry customer complained you didn't give them enough change.
    I apologize
  • You need the waiter to pay attention to you
    Excuse me/ pardon me?...
  • You accidentally stepped on your first date's shoes when dancing.
    I'm sorry
  • You slipped and fell on a stranger
    I'm sorry:
  • You forgot to do your homework
    I apologize
  • You farted next to your best friend
    Whoops! My bad!
  • You forgot to clean your room
    I'm sorry
  • You need to ask a policeman where is the tourist information.
    Excuse me?...
  • You need to get on the bus
    excuse me?..
  • You think someone said your name.
    Excuse me?...
  • You farted in a fancy restaurant
    I apologize
  • You are a waiter and you have to tell a hungry woman that her sandwich isn't ready yet.
    I apologize
  • You want ask forgiveness from boss about a big mistake.
    I apologize
  • You got caught cheating on a test
    I apologize
  • You and your uncle are fixing something and you handed him the wrong tool.
    Whoops! My bad!