
Any Suggestions?

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  • We're twins and have the same taste in clothes but I don't want people to confuse us.
    Let's... / Why don't we...? / Shall we ...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • I need to phone my parents but my battery is dead.
    Why don't you...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • We have rescued a dog! But who is going to walk it in the morning and in the evening you or me?
    Let's... / Why don't we...? / Shall we ...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • We're going camping next week. So, what things is it better to take with us?
    Let's... / Why don't we...? / Shall we ...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • I need to lose some weight. What should I do?
    Why don't you...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • It's my friend's bearthday soon and I don't know what to give her as a present. Do you have any ideas?
    Why don't you...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • I like eating sushi but you like pizzas more. How do we decide where to eat together?
    Let's... / Why don't we...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • Our teacher gave us a project to do in groups of 4. What do we need to do?
    Let's... / Why don't we...? / Shall we ...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • I want to buy a new bike but I haven't got enough money. What can you suggest?
    Why don't you...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • We want to make our street a cleaner place. How can we do this?
    Let's... / Why don't we...? / Shall we ...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • We wanted to go out for a walk this afternoon but it's raining hard. What do you offer to do?
    Let's... / Why don't we...? / Shall we ...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • This weekend, we are going on excursion to another city. What shall we do to pass the time on the bus?
    Why don't we...? / Shall we ...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • Piles of dirty dishes meet us in the kitchen every morning. We need to do something about it.
    How about...? / Why not...?
  • Our parents went away for a few days and left us a full fridge of food. What shall we have for dinner?
    Let's... / Why don't we...? / Shall we ...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • I have a sleep problem. It's difficult to fall asleep. What should I do?
    Why don't you...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • I've bought only 4 concert tickets, but there are 5 of us. What shall we do now?
    Let's... / Why don't we...? / Shall we ...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • We want to watch Angry birds at the cinema this Friday. What time should we choose?
    Let's... / Why don't we...? / Shall we ...? / How about...? / Why not...?
  • We have saved some money and now we can club together and travel to a country for two weeks. Where shall we go?
    Let's... / Why don't we...? / Shall we ...? / How about...? / Why not...?