
Exam 8

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  • The cheetah is the fastest animal on Earth. AS There’s no animal on Earth _________ the cheetah.
    as fast as
  • Oops, I have to go back home. I’ve taken a pair of my (father / shoe) __________ by mistake. He will be angry.
    father's shoes
  • People play football all over the world. PLAYED Football ___________ all over the world.
    is played
  • Bob, (be / you / old) __________ than your sister?
    are you older...
  • Chcesz, żeby koleżanka poszła z Tobą na zakupy. Co jej powiesz? A. Will you do the shopping for me? B. What about going to the shops together? C. What would you like to get from the shop?
  • Rozmawiasz przez telefon w hałaśliwym miejscu. Jak poprosisz swojego rozmówcę, aby mówił głośniej? A. Could you talk slowly, please? B. Could you say it again, please? C. Could you speak more loudly, please?
  • There (be / three / egg) ________ in the fridge. To make pancakes we need to buy milk and flour.
    are three eggs
  • Co powiesz, podając koleżance z Anglii sałatkę podczas obiadu? A. Here you are. B. The same to you. C. Not at all.
  • Spiders don’t frighten me any more. AFRAID I __________ spiders any more.
    am not afraid of
  • We (take / photo) ________________________ outside our school last week.
    took photos/ took a photo
  • Kolega nie wie, czym poczęstować odwiedzającą go jutro kuzynkę. Jakiej rady mu udzielisz? A. What will she get for dessert? B. Why don’t you get her some fruit salad? C. Where did you get this cake for her?
  • She is a good student. She is (interest / in / learn) _______ new things.
    She is interested in learning...
  • Koleżanka pyta Cię, co powinna wziąć na obóz narciarski. Co jej doradzisz? A. You must try the food there. B. You need to have a warm sweater. C. In my opinion you should practise skiing.
  • I have been a member of the Animal Club for three months. MONTHS I joined the Animal Club ________________.
    three months ago
  • What (she / look / for) _________ now? Has she lost her phone again?
    What is she looking for...
  • Dzwonisz do kolegi mieszkającego w Londynie. Chcesz dowiedzieć się, jaka jest tam pogoda. Jak o to zapytasz? A. How do you know about the weather in London? B. Why is the weather in London like that? C. What’s the weather like in London?
  • Koleżanka chce pogłaskać obcego psa na ulicy. Uważasz, że nie powinna tego robić. Co jej powiesz? A. Don’t let the dog out! B. Look after the dog! C. Don’t touch the dog!
  • In my opinion science fiction books are (interesting / than) __________ historical novels.
    more interesting than
  • Chcesz pożyczyć aparat fotograficzny od swojej cioci. Jak zapytasz ją o pozwolenie? A. Why don’t you borrow my camera? B. Will you take care of this camera? C. Do you mind if I use your camera?
  • Chcesz dowiedzieć się, czy Twój znajomy ma jakieś plany na weekend. Jak o to zapytasz? A. Will you do it for me at the weekend? B. Do you often make plans for the weekend? C. Are you doing anything during the weekend?
  • I (never / be) ____________ to Spain before.
    have never been
  • I’ve got a lot of T-shirts but the blue one is my favourite. THAN I like my blue T-shirt _______________ my other T-shirts.
    more than
  • Nie wiesz, gdzie zostawiłeś/zostawiłaś kluczyk do szafki. Jak o tym poinformujesz swojego kolegę? A. I’m afraid I can’t find my key. B. I don’t know whose key it can be. C. I should remember to leave the key.
  • How much is petrol in Poland? COST How much ________in Poland?
    does petrol cost
  • We will finish this project on Monday. BE This project ________ on Monday.
    will be finished