
Focus 4 Review units 1-4

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  • If you do the things that you advise other people to do, you ...
    practise what you preach
  • The opposite of newly-built
  • What are tag questions? (structure, use, exceptions)
  • Talk about future tenses (forms + meanings)
  • a regular journey
    daily commute
  • If you stay calm in a difficult situation, you ...
    keep a cool head
  • What do you call a person who studies very hard and likes to please the teacher?
    A swot
  • What do you use to talk about past states?
    used to/ Past Simple
  • What are verb patterns? (name them, give examples)
  • What do you need to to to remember something?
    Jog your memory
  • I didn’t get the job. They told me that I don’t _____________ ____________ but I should apply again in a year.
    meet the requirements
  • He’s always had a ______________________ _________. That’s how he can write such brilliant stories.
    vivid imagination
  • What are three basic conviniences all modern houses have?
    central heating/ running water/ electricity
  • If you buy something nice for yourself, you ..
    treat yourself to it.
  • What do you use to talk about past habits?
    used to/ would/ Past Simple
  • What is the difference between Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous? (form + meaning)
  • something on sale at a lower price than its true value is ...
    a bargain
  • to be ready to think quickly in a situation and react to things that you are not expecting means to...
    keep your wits about you
  • Give three prases meaning 'rich'
    with money to burn/ rolling in money/ be well-off/ be loaded
  • If you want to do a course, you need to ...
    enroll on it
  • If you haven't planned to buy something but actually did it, it's called ...
    an impulse purchase
  • We’ve got a _____________ ____________ so you can stay with us when you come to London.
    spare room
  • If you are so familiar with something that you can do it easily without needing to think very much about it, it is ...
    second nature to you
  • responsibility, integrity, honesty, respect, trust are ...
    ethical values
  • What is the difference between defining and non-defining clauses? (use/punctuation/examples)
  • She’s just a _____________ _______________. I don’t know her that well at all.
    casual acquaintance
  • I’d rather work in the f_________ (area of interest) of technology than finances.
  • What are reduced relative clauses?
  • Give three prases meaning 'poor'
    be broke/ be short of money/ live from hand to mouth/make ends meet
  • What do you use to talk about annoying repeated actions in the present?
    Present Continuous