
Pirates of Foothills

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  • Where pirates in the Americas?
  • Who made a straw hat in class?
  • What is usually made of lead on the pirate ship?
    Cannon Ball
  • Did pirates vote?
    Yes, they were run by a democracy, a floating republic
  • Did ships have cats?
    Yes, they controlled the rat population
  • Did pirates talk like they do in potc?
    No, they talked like they did from their native country
  • Who runs the crabby patty
    Mr. Crabs
  • Did pirates dress like they do in the pirate movies?
    No they dressed in colonial clothes
  • Did pirates use maps?
    Yes they were sometimes worth more than gold
  • Who was a governor to hide his pirate ways?
    Henry Morgan
  • Why did pirates have gold teeth?
    To store their gold
  • How did pirates sleep on ships?
    In hammocks, under deck
  • What was BlackBeards real name?
    Edward Teach
  • Did pirates carry diseases?
  • Who runs the ship?
    The Quartermaster