
Past Continuous

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  • Where were Rob and Rebecca living/ Rob and Rebecca were living/ living Rob and Rebecca when they had their first child?
    Where were Rob and Rebecca living when they had their first child?
  • Anyway, what were I talking/ was I talking/ I were talking about? I can't remember.
    Anyway, what was I talking about? I can't remember.
  • When I got to work, I realised that I were not wearing/ was not wearing/ wasn't wearing my watch.
    When I got to work, I realised that I was not wearing/ wasn't wearing my watch.
  • What you were doing/ you doing/ were you doing at eight o'clock last night?
    What were you doing at eight o'clock last night?
  • By the time we got to the party, everyone was going/ was everyone going/ was going everyone home.
    By the time we got to the party, everyone was going home.
  • The police stopped Willis as was driving/ he was driving/ he is driving to the airport.
    The police stopped Willis as he was driving to the airport.