
Common Responses

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  • Cheers!
  • I just got promoted.
    That's great.
  • Thank you.
    You're welcome.
  • AAAtchooo! (Sneeze)
    Bless you!
  • Peter can't come. He's busy.
    Oh, what a pity.
  • It's a nice day, isn't it?
    Yes, it is.
  • How are you?
    Pretty good.
  • I got married last week.
  • Would you like a cup of coffee?
    Yes, please.
  • I didn't get that job.
    Oh, sorry to hear that.
  • Have a good weekend.
    You too.
  • How do you do?
    How do you do?
  • I have a maths exam tomorrow.
    Good luck!
  • Would you like to join us?
    I'd love to, but I already have plans.
  • My dog has run away
    Oh no!
  • Say hi to Susan for me.
    I will.
  • Are you enjoying the party?
    Yes, I'm having a great time.
  • This is Abbey, my new flatmate.
    Pleased to meet you.
  • Is everything ok?
    Yes, everything is fine.
  • Can I have another slice of cake?
    Sure. Help yourself.