
Arts and HumanitiesHistoryCold War Vocabulary

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  • Tet Offensive
    1968 attack by Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces throughout South Vietnam
  • Rosenberg Trial
    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of selling atomic secrets to the USSR and executed.
  • Warsaw Pact
    military alliance of the Soviet Union and its satellite states
  • Sputnik
    First satellite by the Soviets to go into space
  • Berlin Airlift
    The US and Britain flew food and supplies to Berlin for almost a year
  • Massive Retaliation
    The doctrine upon which Eisenhower and Dulles based American nuclear policy in the 1950s
  • HUAC
    Congressional committee that investigated possible subversive activities within the US
  • Cuban Missile Crisis
    The 1962 confrontation bewteen US and the Soviet Union over Soviet missiles in Cuba.
  • NATO
    North Atlantic Treaty Organization- military alliance formed to counter Soviet expansion
  • Bay of Pigs
    Failed military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the CIA
  • The Iron Curtain
    Imaginary wall diving western and Eastern Europe, as described by Winston Churchill
  • Vietnamization
    The US plan for gradual withdrawal from Vietnam (Nixon)
  • 38th Parallel
    Dividing line between North and South Korea
  • Ho Chi Minh
    Communist leader of North Vietnam
  • Perestroika
    fundamental restructoring of the soviet economy; policy introduced by Gorbachev
  • Doves
    Americans who opposed the Vietnam War.
  • Berlin Wall
    Fortified concrete and wire barrier that separated East and West Berlin from 1961 to 1989.
  • Hawks
    Americans who supported the Vietnam War.
  • Glasnost
    Soviet policy of open discussion of political and social issues
  • Containment
    The American policy of limiting Communism and preventing expansion
  • Cold War
    a period of great tension between the United States and the Soviet Union
  • Domino Theory
    The US theory that stated, if one country would fall to Communism then they all would.
  • Space Race
    A competition of space exploration between the United States and Soviet Union.
  • Truman Doctrine
    U.S. policy to provide economic and military aid to any nation threatened by communism