
He Has Short Straight Hair.

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  • 그녀는 저기에 있어.
    She is over there.
  • What does he look like? (hair)
    He has short straight hair.
  • What does he look like? (hair)
    He has short curly hair.
  • What does she look like? (HAIR)
    She has long curly hair.
  • 나는 공항에 있다.
    I am at the airport.
  • 그녀는 무엇을 입고 있니?
    What is she wearing?
  • What does he look like?
    He has a big mouth.
  • What does he look like?
    선생님이 판단
  • What is he wearing?
    선생님이 판단
  • What does she look like? (hair)
    She has long straight hair.
  • What does he look like? (hair)
    He has short straight hair.
  • Unscramble the sentence.
    He has brown eyes.
  • 그는 잘생겼다.
    He is handsome.
  • 그녀는 키가 크고 이뻐.
    She is tall and pretty.
  • What does it look like? (nose)
    It has a big(red) nose.
  • What does he look like?
    선생님이 판단
  • 나는 예쁘다.
    I am pretty(beautiful).
  • 그녀는 어떻게 생겼니?
    What does she look like?
  • What does she look like? (eyes)
    She has blue eyes.
  • 너희 아버지는 어떻게 생기셨니?
    What does your dad look like?
  • What is he wearing?
    He is wearing glasses.
  • 너는 무엇을 입고 있니?
    What are you wearing?
  • What is she wearing?
    She is wearing a red dress.
  • What is he wearing (color)?
    He is wearing a green T-shirt.