
Are you a remote learning star? or not yet...

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  • What does this icon do?
    Mute (we can't hear you or your family)
  • What special are you going to with this icon?
    physical education
  • Why do we pin a tab?
    So the window doesn't get closed out by accident
  • What does this icon do?
    hang up the meet
  • What teacher will this icon bring you to?
    Ms. Trainor
  • What teacher will this icon bring you to?
    Mrs. Mitchell
  • What does this button on your keyboard do?
    raises the volume
  • What does this icon do?
    refresh the screen to update
  • What are the rules at McGrath school? Be ____________, _____________, ___________ and _________!
    Be respectful, responsible, caring and safe
  • What reminder does this picture show?
    You can only be in 1 meet at a time
  • What do we show with this hand signal?
    connections with others
  • What special are you going to with this icon?
  • What teacher will this icon bring you to?
    Mrs. Leslie
  • What does this icon show?
    the chat box in Meet
  • What teacher will this icon bring you to?
    Mrs. Finn
  • What special would you be going to with this icon?
  • Why would I want to PIN someone in a Meet?
    to make their picture larger
  • Where can you always find the Clever app?
    on the top right corner of your screen
  • What special would you be going to with this icon?
  • If a teacher holds up this sign, what do I want you to do?
    hang up on the Meet and come back in