
US History B Final Exam Review

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  • The Bay of Pigs (1961) was an attempted invasion & coup against what government?
  • Who said it? "...One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”
    Malcolm X
    Martin Luther King Jr.
    Richard Aoki
    Harvey Milk
  • Which iconic American singer was dubbed "The King of Rock and Roll" in the 1950s?
    Elvis Presley
  • In the United States, one result of WWII was that...
    people of color gained full civil rights & economic equality
    the number of women in the workforce increased
    the Great Depression was prolonged
    industrial wages decreased
  • Which 1980s graffiti artist is known for this signature style?
    Futura 2000
    Keith Haring
    Jean-Michel Basquiat
  • This group of 29 Native American soldiers made significant contributions to the Pacific war effort during WWII by creating an unbreakable code.
    Sioux Cryptographers
    Cherokee Code Breakers
    Apache Encryption Unit
    Navajo Code Talkers
  • The ______ were the first Black students to enroll at Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas
    Arkansas Trailblazers
    Central High Pioneers
    Little Rock Nine
    Freedom Fighters
  • Who was the U.S. President who served two consecutive terms from 1981 to 1989?
    Ronald Reagan
  • Rosa Parks' refusal to move seats for a white passenger triggered a bus boycott in which city?
  • What was the main goal of the containment policy during the Cold War?
    To stop the spread of communism to other countries
    To decrease the the number of nuclear weapons globally
    To encourage trade with other countries
    To promote freedom of speech
  • During WWII, which countries were part of the Axis Powers?
    France, Australia, Canada
    Germany, Austria Hungary, China
    Germany, Italy and Japan
    Great Britain, the USSR, the US and France
  • The 1973 Supreme Court ruling that protected a woman’s right to abortion until it was overturned in 2022.
    Roe v. Wade
  • The 1954 case in which the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that racial segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional (unlawful, illegal).
    Brown v. Board of Education
  • Once American forces captured the islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa during WWII, they...
    dropped NUCLEAR BOMBS on five Japanese cities
    deployed AGENT ORANGE over the Japanese wilderness
    led LAND INVASIONS of dozens of coastal cities in Japan
    began FIREBOMBING dozens of Japanese Cities
  • Who was the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court (1981)?
    Elena Kagan
    Sanda Day O'Connor
    Ruth Bader Ginsberg
    Sonya Sotomayor
  • June 6, 1944 (D-Day), nearly 7,000 ships carrying more than 100,000 Allied soldiers invaded...
    Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
    Hiroshima, Japan
    Berlin, Germany
    Normandy, France
  • Which decade? Watergate Scandal, Jimmy Carter, Roe v. Wade, End of the Vietnam War
  • The _______ were the first black military pilots, whose courage led to the eventual integration of the U.S military
    Harlem Hellfighters
    The 442nd Infantry
    Tuskegee Airmen
    Buffalo Soldiers
  • What does "detente" mean in the context of the Cold War?
    Stopping the spread of communism throughout Europe
    Building more weapons
    Easing tension and improving relations between countries
    Promoting the exploration of outer space
  • In 1953 Julius and Ethel _______ were executed for espionage (passing atomic secrets to the Soviet Union)
  • This 1964 act outlawed segregation in public places, schools & workplaces
    Racial Discrimination Abolition Act
    Segregation Prohibition Act
    Equality and Integration Act
    Civil Rights Act
  • What cable channel debuted in 1981?
  • What incident in 1962 nearly led to a nuclear confrontation between the U.S. and Russia?
    Cuban Missile Crisis
    My Lai Massacre
    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    Tonkin Gulf Incident
  • In August of 1945, the US dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of ____ & ____ - leading to their surrender & the end of WWII.
    Hiroshima & Nagasaki
    Tokyo & Kyoto
    Osaka & Yokohama
    Nagoya & Sapporo
  • The use of this cards like this, issued by the federal government, was intended to...
    conserve essential goods for for military use
    encourage increased production of consumer goods
    increase the use of gasoline
    register men for the draft
  • This 1972 law prohibits sex-based discrimination in education
    Equal Rights Amendment
    Equal Opportunity in Education Act
    Gender Equality Act
    Title IX
  • Which decade? Elvis, Baby Boom, Strict Gender Roles, Korean War
  • After the war, the United States & ____ emerged as superpowers
    the Soviet Union
  • Which decade? Clinton, Internet Boom, LA riots
  • This was the code name for the secret U.S. government program to build the atomic bomb
    Operation Overlord
    Project Apollo
    Operation Rolling Thunder
    Manhattan Project
  • The ____ Theory was the belief that if one Southeast Asian country fell to communism (like Vietnam), that neighboring countries (like Laos or Cambodia) would also turn to communism.
  • Which US president resigned in 1974 as a result of the Watergate scandal?
    Jimmy Carter
    Richard Nixon
    John F. Kennedy
    Gerald Ford
  • Between 1969 - 1971, dozens of Native Americans occupied ________ to protest treaty violations & injustice
    The Statue of Liberty
    Alcatraz Island
    The White House
    The Grand Canyon
  • Which American President made the decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan to end WWII?
  • A powerful herbicide that was used by U.S. military forces during the Vietnam War to eliminate forest cover and crops for North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops.
    Mustard Gas
    Agent Orange
  • The first televised presidential debate happened in which year?
  • Members of the 1960s counterculture were known as...
  • This organization was formed in 1968 to fight against poverty, discrimination, & police brutality within the Native American community
    Native Equality Alliance
    First Nations Liberation Front
    Indigenous Rights Coalition
    American Indian Movement
  • In 1965, Cesar Chavez initiated a national boycott of _____ in order to fight for the rights of migrant farm workers
  • The codename given to the sustained American bombing campaign conducted against North Vietnam during the Vietnam War.
    Operation Enduring Freedom
    Operation Rolling Thunder
    Operation Manhattan
    Operation Overlord
  • In 1968, Latino students in ____ led a city wide walkout of their schools to protest against discrimination
    Los Angeles, CA
    Chicago, IL
    New York, NY
    Houston, TX
  • In the '50s, this anticommunist hysteria spread in the US. Many people were accused, w/o evidence, of being communist...
    The Soviet Hunt
    The Communist Trials
    The Red Scare
    The Soviet Crisis
  • Which event occurred first?
    The Apollo Soyuz Mission
    The first men landed on the moon
    Yuri Gagarin became the 1st person in orbit
    The USSR launched Sputnik
  • In 1972, the United States sent the national _______ team on a tour of China.
  • In 1941, the "__________" was passed which allowed the U.S. to lend weapons & supplies to the Allies.
    Cash & Carry Policy
    War Weapons Act
    Mutual Defense Act
    Lend-Lease Act
  • What was the name for the military strategy used by the United States to fight in the Pacific during WWII?
    The Manhattan Plan
    Island Hopping
    Trench Warfare
  • This is a jellied gasoline dropped in large canisters that explode on impact and cover large areas in flames; this was dropped by U.S. planes during the Vietnam War in order to destroy the jungle & expose Vietcong hideouts
    Mustard Gas
    Agent Orange
  • Who said it? “If you have a dog, I must have a dog. If you have a rifle, I must have a rifle. If you have a club, I must have a club. This is equality.”
    Vincent Chin
    Malcolm X
    Cesar Chavez
    Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Which event caused the United States to finally enter WWII in 1941?
    The sinking of the Lusitania
    Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor
    The Holocaust
    Germany's invasion of Poland
  • The landmark 2015 case in which the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage.
    Obergefell v. Hodges
    Roe v. Wade
    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Korematsu v. US
  • After WWII, the _____ was created to promote world peace and negotiation amongst nations
    Alliance for Progress
    Peace Corps
    United Nations
    League of Nations
  • The Stonewall Rebellion is considered a key moment in which movement?
    Women's Rights Movement
    LGBTQ+ Movement
    Anti-War Movement
    Civil Rights Movement
  • Which decade? Hippies, The Beatles, Woodstock, The Moon Landing
  • This NASA mission successfully landed the first humans on the Moon in 1969, with Neil Armstrong becoming the first person to step onto the lunar surface.
    Gemini 4
    Endeavor 7
    Voyager 2
    Apollo 11
  • Which decade? Ronald Reagan, AIDs Epidemic, MTV, Grafitti Culture
  • Which deadly, Category 5 hurricane hit New Orleans and the surroundings areas in 2005?
  • As a result of the Korean War...
    The United States attacked N. Korea with atomic weapons.
    North Korea and South Korea remained divided.
    North Korea gained complete control.
    North and South Korea were unified.
  • Which terrorist group was responsible for the 9/11 attacks?
    The Taliban
    Al Qaeda
    Boko Haram
  • The 1896 case in which the Supreme Court ruled that segregation was legal, thus establishing the “separate but equal” doctrine until it was overturned in 1954.
    Roe v. Wade
    Brown v. Board
    Obergefell v. Hodges
    Plessy v. Ferguson
  • This Asian-American activist was a member of the Black Panther Party & later discovered to be an FBI informant
    Fred Korematsu
    Richard Aoki
    Vincent Chin
    Philip Vera Cruz
  • Which decade? 9/11 attacks, PATRIOT Act, Hurricane Katrina
  • This 1965 act outlawed literacy tests & poll taxes which were used to prevent African Americans from voting
    Voter Suppression Prohibition Act
    Racial Equality Act
    Voting Rights Act
    Fair Ballot Act
  • Which event is considered to be the first official act of World War II?
    The D-Day Invasion
    Germany's invasion of Poland
    Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor
    The bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
  • When Franklin D. Roosevelt made the statement “a date that will live in infamy” he was referring to...
    Germany’s invasion of France on June 12, 1940
    The December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan
    The June 6, 1944 invasion of France by the Allies
    The October 6, 1939 invasion of Poland by Germany
  • During WWII, which group of Americans was forcefully sent to "internment" camps as a "military necessity?"
    German Americans
    Mexican Americans
    Italian Americans
    Japanese Americans
  • Who was the president of the United States from January 20, 1961 until his assassination on November 22, 1963?
    John F. Kennedy
  • A Cold War military concept that states that a nuclear attack by either the U.S. or USSR would lead to the destruction of both countries due to the number of nuclear weapons on both sides.
    Strategic Balance Theory (SBT)
    Total Annihilation Strategy (TAS)
    Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD)
    Nuclear Arms Race Doctrine (NARD)
  • Which Amendment, ratified in 1971, changed the voting age from 21 to 18?