
West African Mali

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  • Who passed on Mali’s traditions and history from one generation to the next?
  • Items found in nature and used by living things.
    Natural resource
  • Living things (humans) do this to adjust to their environment or change their environment in order to survive?
  • How did the people of the Malian empire adapt to their environment?
    Mined for gold - traded gold for salt from the Sahara Desert
  • Who controlled trade in West Africa?
    The kings
  • Large groups of traders that traveled on camels
  • What desert is located in Norther Mali
    Sahara Desert
  • On what part of Africa is ancient Mali located?
    Western Africa (northwestern)
  • The library in Timbuktu contained books from these ancient civilizations .
    Greece and Rome
  • Name two important natural resources in Mali.
    Gold and salt
  • What made Mali a wealthy trading empire?
    Its location between 2 natural resources, salt and gold
  • What river helped Malians transport their goods?
    Niger River
  • True or False: Today's Mali is the same exact size as the Mali empire from the past.
  • How did the people of Mali adapt to their environment?
    They traded gold for salt
  • What was Timbuktu known for during the Malian empire?
    Center for Learning
  • What were the buildings in Timbuktu made of?
  • True or False: The kings of Mali controlled trade and the size of the empire grew.
  • The people who told the stories of the past in Mali?
  • What did miners find in West Africa?
  • True or False: This is a map of ancient Mali
  • Word for king in ancient Mali
  • Where is Mali located?
    Western region of Africa
  • True or False: This is a map of where Mali is today
  • Miners, farmers, and traders were all types of _______ in Ancient Mali.
    Human Resources
  • What major river runs through Mali?
    Niger River
  • Who ruled the empire of Mali?
  • How were the traditions of ancient Mali passed down?
    Orally - story telling and singing songs
  • Describe Mali's climate?
    Very hot and dry
  • Sundiata's grandnephew, helped Mali to grow wealthy and very powerful, created Timbuktu.
    Mansa Musa
  • Where were the salt mines of Mali located?
    The Sahara Desert
  • How did ancient Malians use salt?
    For leather, in medicines and for preserving food.
  • Mali used human and _________ resources to mine gold.
  • What does preserving food do?
    To keep food from spoiling or rotting.
  • A large and powerful area of land or countries under the control of a single government, king, or ruler.
  • List the major geographical features of Mali.
    Niger river, grasslands, desert
  • What made Mali a rich empire?
    Their gold and trading their gold and other goods.
  • Define the word - adapt
    To change or modify yourself or your environment in order to survive or be successful.
  • What did the people of Mali use for preserving food?
  • The head of government in ancient Mali
  • What important city in Mali had a famous university?
  • On which continent is ancient Mali located?