
English Speaking Countries Trivia

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  • Who is this?
    This is Elton John
  • Who is this?
    This is Joe Biden
  • In what city is the Opera House located?
    It's in Sydney
  • Where is the Big Ben located?
    It is in London
  • What are the colours in the Irish flag?
    The Irish flag is green, orange and white
  • What colour are the stars in the American flag?
    They are white
  • What's the capital city of the United States?
    It's Washington DC
  • The city of Wellington is the capital of.... what country?
    Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand
  • New Zealand has another official language other than English. What's its name?
    It's Maori
  • What's the most spoken language in Quebec?
    The most spoken language in Quebec is French
  • What's the capital city of Australia?
    It's Canberra
  • The flag of Australia has a kangaroo in it. True or False?
  • What's Ed Sheeran's nationality?
    He's English
  • What's the capital city of England?
    It's London
  • What's the capital city of Ireland?
    It's Dublin
  • How many stars does the American flag have? A) 17 B) 34 C) 50
  • What's the capital city of Canada?
    It's Ottawa
  • What's the nationality of someone who was born in New York?
  • What's the capital city of the state of Florida?
    It's Tallahassee
  • The flag of Wales has a dragon in it. True or False?