
Red Solutions Unit 6

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  • If you stay at a hotel and have _____ ______, your breakfast and evening meal are included in the price of your stay at the hotel, but not your lunch.
    half board
  • The 1960s screen siren Anita Ekberg, who is best known for her role in Federico Fellini's iconic film La Dolce Vita, takes a bath in the Trevi __________.
  • Can you believe that? Boss flies ______ ________ while the rest of us are in coach.
    first class
  • The house was in ________.
  • Our _______ _______ showed us around the old town.
    tour guide
  • The boards show the latest arrivals/___________ and scheduled flight times.
  • 'Are you a photophile?' Ask for clarification in 2 different ways. Any ideas?
    Pardon? Sorry, did you say .....? Sorry, what does..... mean?
  • The _________ was empty when we arrived, so we could seek out the best spot to put up our tent,
  • Suggest visiting an aquarium in at least 3 different ways!
    Shall we .....? Why don't we....? Do you fancy....?
  • She enjoys reading about _______ lands and unknown cultures.
  • Your body is your _________ and, as such, you should look after it.
  • The ship was permitted to tie up in Boston _________.
  • My girlfriend is driving me crazy, she wants to go ____ a walk every evening.
    go for a walk
  • The book tells the story of a girl about the age of 15 who has a dark secret she is afraid to confess to anyone but her __________.
  • Decline a suggestion using the following word: KEEN
    I'm not very keen on that idea.
  • The __________ ________ occupies a hillside. It is adorned with fountains and cascades; and contains many splendid rhododendrons and trees from Mediterranean climates.
    botanical garden
  • Yellowstone is a truly unique ________ _________ with America's largest buffalo herd, grizzly bears, and wolves.
    national park
  • Remove your shoes before entering a ________.
  • I haven't seen you for _________ (finish in 5 different ways)
    for a week, for a month, for a while, for a long time, for ages
  • I would never _________ on my own.
  • I'm so exhausted! I just want to _____ on the ______ the whole day.
    lie on the beach
  • That ______ like a great ______!
    That sound like a great idea!
  • Blogpost: tomorrow: go climbing
    We're going climbing tomorrow.
  • In ______ _______, prices tend to rocket.
    high season
  • Our bikes are expertly maintained, cleaned and disinfected every day. _____ one and take an out-of-town _________.
    hire, excursion
  • No preference: ______ suggestion is fine by me.
  • He bought a model of a red phone booth as a _________ of his trip to London.
  • My camera is going in my ______ __________ next time no matter what. I need it on the plane.
    hand luggage
  • One of the most ___________ corners of Prague is the old Jewish quarter. (find at least one matching advanced adjective)
    atmospheric / historic
  • I got _______________, and now my face is peeling.
  • Please keep your ______ _____ fastened until the plane has come to a complete standstill.
    seat belt
  • go .........-ing - Find 5 outdoor summer activities.
    go swimming, cycling, surfing, running, kayaking, canoing, climbing, surfing
  • No preference: They are ______ good ideas.
  • Please present your ________ ______ to the flight attendant.
    boarding pass
  • We had wanted to ____ ____ the ________, but there was such a long queue that we decided it wasn't worth it.
    go up the tower
  • 'Where's mom? 'She__ _______ shopping.'
    She's gone shopping.
  • A _________ place is not always attractive because a lot of foreigners visit it and it is full of things for them to buy and do.
  • I haven't seen you since ___________ (finish in 5 different ways)
    since May, since Christmas, since your birthday, since we met in Rome, since we were kids
  • The fridge is empty. We have to order pizza or _____ _____ tonight.
    eat out