
Conlict and warfare

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  • Nelson Mandela was 1990 after having been imprisoned for 27 years.
  • A a soldier who usually works alone and specializes in shooting from very long distances. The word originates from the British occupation of India in the 1800s
  • In 1805, naval ....................Horatio Nelson led the British Royal Navy to destroy the French-Spanish fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar.
  • On 8th December 1941, President Roosevelt ............... war on Japan following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor the previous day
  • In Sweden, compulsory service in the armed .....................– army, navy, or air force – was abolished in 2010, but then reintroduced in 2018.
  • Although the Anglo-Zanzibar War of 1896 lasted only 38 minutes, over 500 people, both combatants and ................ , were killed or injured.
  • The Great Fire of London a bakery on 2nd September 1666 and wasn’t extinguished until four days later.
    broke out
  • The the United States – fought between the Northern and Southern States – lasted from 1861 to 1865.
    Civil war
  • Two of Henry VIII’s six wives were.............. , two he divorced, one died following childbirth, and the last one survived.
  • In 2018, convicted British football hooligans had to ....................their passports to police to prevent them from travelling to the World Cup in Russia.
  • The total number of ............................(people killed or injured) caused directly by the First World War was around 40 million.
  • Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole were nurses who improved the treatment of the the Crimean War from 1853–6.
  • In 1605, a man called Guy Fawkes attempted to ...............the Houses of Parliament in London with barrels of gunpowder.
    blow up
  • In the early 1930s, the divorced American Wallis Simpson ......... the heart of the heir to the British throne, who soon after became King Edward VIII. Their intended marriage caused a constitutional crisis and ultimately led to Edward’s ab
  • In 2019, there were 26 million ..................... globally, the majority of whom had fled their home countries due to war and persecution.
  • In December 1914, Pope Benedict XV suggested a temporary break in World War I for the celebration of Christmas. While an official ........................was refused, many soldiers declared their own unofficial truce.
  • On 3rd September 1783, a peace ..................... was signed between the United States and Britain that ended the American War of Independence.
  • After the siege of Constantinople in 1204, the Crusaders ................the city and transferred its riches to Italy.
  • The battleship Bismarck was sunk during the Second World War. Of a crew of 2,200, there were only 114 ................ .