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  • Name one person you should not introduce yourself to
    1. Stranger 2. Cashier at store 3. Man standing beside you at the bus stop
  • True or False: 1. Waiting for teachers prompt 2. Saying "my name is _________" 3. optional: give a brief description about yourself (for example your favourite movie) are the steps to introducing yourself to someone online
  • True of False: A stranger at the bus stop is someone i should introduce myself to.
  • Name one person you SHOULD introduce yourself to
    1. Teacher 2. New kid in class 3. Friend's Friend
  • True or false: :You should introduce yourself to someone by hugging them
  • True or False: I should introduce myself to the new girl in class
  • Name a place you usually meet people in person
    1. At school 2. Community centre 3. Birthday parties
  • True or False: I should not introduce myself to a stranger
  • How do you introduce yourself to someone in person? (what are the steps)
    1. Get close ( 6ft distance during covid-19) 2. Say "Hi" 3. Say "my name is ______, what's your name?" 4. Say "nice to meet you" 5. Shake hands (skip-Covid)
  • True or false: A new teacher is someone i should introduce myself to
  • True or False: There are two ways to introduce yourself (do you remember what they are?)
    TRUE (in person and online)
  • True or false: School is a good place to meet someone
  • TRUE OR FALSE: There is a new boy in my class, i should introduce myself to him
  • TRUE OR FALSE: You can skip a hand shake when introducing yourself right now because of COVID-19
  • TRUE OR FALSE: If your friend Tim is talking is with someone you don't know you should introduce yourself to them
  • True or false: Introducing myself means telling someone my name and asking them their name
  • True or False: During covid-19, You may meet new people through your computer/tablet screen