
Loccitane 1 unit vocabulary

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  • Are you often stuck in traffic jams? Do you find it irritating?
    Your answer
  • What are you sick of right now?
    Your answer!
  • Translate the following sentence: Я работаю с поставщиками и мы проверяем качество продуктов.
    I work with suppliers and we check the quality of good/products.
  • Translate the sentence: Давайте встретимся сегодня в 5 часов у меня в офисе.
    Let's meet today at 5 pm in my office.
  • What is the job of employment agency? What do they do?
    Your ideas
  • Name 3 phrases to finish small talk
    Have a nice weekend! Take care. See you later etc.
  • Translate the following adjectives: ужасный, влажный, трудный, странный
    awful/terrible; humid; tought; weird
  • Continue the phrase: take part in.....;attract ....; celebrate....;forget....
    Your ideas
  • Name 3 phrases to start small talk
    Your options