
Review 1º Bachiller

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  • The opposite of "healthy"
  • You seem stressed. You need to find ways to relax.
    You should take up meditation
    You should work out
    You should eat a well-balanced diet
  • Voc: Better ability to concentrate is one of the b... of getting enough sleep
  • When you've ..., you've won
    beaten an opponent
    checked for drugs
  • The opposite of "willing"
  • Rep Speech: The teacher told us "don't be silly!"
    The teacher told us not to be silly.
  • Rep Speech: She told us "Don't touch!"
    She told us not to touch
  • Keep trying. Don't give up! I know you can...
    set your goal
    take up
    achieve your goal
    be out of shape
  • Voc: His a... include reaching the summit of Mt. Everest
  • Rep Speech: She asked me "Where do you want to eat tonight?"
    She asked me where I wanted to eat that night
  • When you've ..., you've got better at something
    risked your life
  • The opposite of "capable"
  • Voc: Which English football team has won the most Premier League c...?
  • Rep Speech: "Would you mind waiting a moment for me?"
    She asked me to wait a moment for her
  • Rep Speech: She asked me "How was your holiday?"
    She asked me how my holiday had been
  • The opposite of "trust"
  • The opposite of "active"
  • Voc: She lost today's tennis match in one of her weakest p... ever.
  • Voc: Individual athletes, like teams, often have c... who help them prepare and practice.
  • Your legs are weak. You need to strengthen your muscles. You should start to...
    work out
    put on weight
    well-balanced diet
  • Rep Speech: She said "He got married last year"
    She said that he had got married the previous year
  • You look great! I can see that you keep fit. You're...
    out of shape
    not out of shape
  • When you've been ..., you haven't failed
    scored your goals
  • Rep Speech: "I've never learned how to ride a bike" - admitted John.
    John admitted that he had never learned how to ride a bike