
Mixed Tenses Review

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  • My father ______ (wash) his car while my mother and I ________ (prepare) dinner.
    was washing, was preparing
  • I ____ (eating) more veggies recently, and I feel better.
    have been eating
  • Sybil and Carrie ________________ (jot) notes in English lesson now. We are working hard on our study!
    are jotting
  • Tell your sister she_____ stay the night here if she wants to.
  • I _______ (go) to Mai Po yesterday and there ________ (be) a lot of birds. I hope I can _______ (visit) Mai Po again next year.
    went, were, visit
  • Before Angus came to school, he _____________(cannot tie) his shoelaces or ______ (keep) a diary. But now, he ______________ (show) others how to tidy their bookshelves!
    could not tie, keep, is showing / is going to show
  • When Carol called last night I ______(watch) my favorite TV show.
    was watching
  • ______ you ever______ (play) the piano since you left school?
  • We _____ (have ) a test next week. I have to prepare myself well.
    are going to have/are having
  • Don't worry. I'm sure Tom _____ (help) you with the homework.
  • Eight years ago, Mr. O _______________ (not finish) his study. He _____________ (not know) how to teach English either! He just __________(eat) bread and _____________(drink) coffee at home to finish his writing.
    did not finish, did not know, ate, drank
  • I think that they ______ (arrive) tomorrow morning.
    will arrive
  • She is not here. She ____ (go) shopping
    has gone
  • Miss Kelly and Miss Law ___________ (go) to London next year to visit their relatives.
    will go
  • Edan Lui is a famous artiste. He always ____________ (act) in a lot of television shows, dramas and films. He _____________ (join) the Hong Kong International Film Festival tomorrow!
    acts, will join
  • Carly is a cheerful and sporty girl. She ____________ (go) swimming every Tuesday. She and Frances _____________ (go) to the Tsing Yi swimming pool after this Zoom lesson!
    goes, will go
  • Tomorrow is a holiday! Felix __________ (go) to the Ocean Park with his best friend.
    will go
  • Ms. Lee had a busy Sunday! First, she ____________ (go) to the department store. Next, she ____________ (join) a guitar competition at noon. Then, she _______ (draw) pictures. Finally, she _________ (tidy) her room!
    went, joined, drew, tidied
  • I ____ (do) all my homework yesterday afternoon.
  • Oh, no. I don't have much milk left. I _____ to buy more.
  • It ______ (be) Herman's birthday tomorrow! I _______(buy) a robot for him!
    will be, will buy
  • We ____ (eat) dinner, so there are plates all over the table.
    have been eating
  • Jimmy is a humorous and popular boy. He usually _________ (tell) jokes to his classmates. Look! He _____________ (share) his funny stories again now!
    tells, is sharing
  • Two years ago, Ken_____________ (buy) a puppy from the pet shop. This year, the puppy ______________ (grow) much bigger and it can ____________(climb) the stairs by itself!
    bought, grows, climb
  • Roy is a fat boy. Last year, he was unhappy because he _________ (run) last in WSS Sports Day. This coming year, he _________ (do) more exercise because he wants to be a fit and handsome boy.
    ran, do
  • Last summer, Ivan____________ (ride) a bicycle to enjoy his holiday. But this year, he ___________ (have) to stay at home to read books because of the COVID-19.
    rode, has
  • Tia and Lusi _______ (be) good friends. Yesterday, they ___________(swim) together. They ___________ (sing) together too! They ____________(be) in the same class next year again!
    are, swam, sang, will be
  • Ryan ______________ (study) with his little brother every evening. He is a caring and helpful brother!
  • Nathan and I _________________ (enjoy) learning GS very much. Last Easter, we _____________ (explore) the number of vitamins that we need to be healthy. Also, we _____________(spend) lots of money to buy healthy food!
    enjoy, explored, spent
  • My husband is preparing dinner. He's not a good cook so you ______ expect anything special.
  • I _____ to take orders from you. You're not my boss!
    don't have
  • How long ______ (stay) out last night? You look tired.
    have been staying
  • What ______ (we/have) for dinner tonight?
    are we having
  • When I ______ (look)out of the window, I ______ (see) John
    looked, saw
  • Look! Howard and Crystal ____________________ (chat) again! Ms. Lee _________ (change) their seats last week, but it __________ (not help)!
    are chatting, changed, did not help
  • You _____ to apply for the job yet. You can do it later this week.
    don't have to
  • The students ________ (finish) their exams. They're very happy.
    have finished
  • That's okay, mom, I _____(feed) the rabbits.
    will feed
  • Take an umbrella. It _____ rain later.
  • I ____ (not/work) on Sundays.
    don't work
  • This is a hospital. You _____ smoke here.
  • How often _____ (you/go) to restaurants?
    do you go
  • Mr.O only ______________ (change) his facecloth once a month. To be a tidy boy, he needs to change it more often!