
Negotiations revision

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  • What can you put after these verbs: crave____, comply_____,impact ______,praise_____
    Your answers
  • Continue the following phrases: ___a challenge, take smth.____,with a good____
    face, on, intent
  • What is now the most popular way to make a living?
    Your answer
  • Make up sentences with the phrases:make a deal, haggle,probing
    your answer
  • Make phrases with the word negotiations
    Hold, tense etc.
  • Do you find it difficult now to free up some time for yourself? Why?
  • What phrase can you use when you discover the truth?
    call smb's bluff
  • Name any 5 words/phrases related to clinching a deal
    Your options
  • Synonym to the word "stubborn"
    dig one's heels in smth