
Everyday Idioms

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  • What does 'call it a day' mean?
    'I'm done with this'
  • What does 'draw the line' mean?
    That's the limit
  • What does 'blow your mind' mean?
    It's amazing
  • What does 'cool it' mean?
    Calm down
  • What does 'up in the air' mean?
    It's not decided yet.
  • What does 'go the extra mile' mean?
    Doing more or better than you have to.
  • What does 'give it a whirl' mean?
    Give it a try
  • What does 'bend the rules' mean?
    It means being flexible with rules as long as it is still safe/ok.
  • What does 'get on the same page' mean?
    It means agreeing about something
  • What does 'hold your horses' mean?
    Wait, stop, slow down!
  • What does 'covering' a topic mean?
    It means talking about that topic.
  • What does 'get out of hand' mean?
    Out of control
  • What does 'nailed it' mean?
    Did a perfect job
  • What does 'have a lot on my plate' mean?
    It means 'I'm very busy'.
  • If someone says "you are pulling my leg"... what does that mean?
    "You're joking!" or "You are tricking me."
  • What does 'feeling under the weather' mean?
    Not feeling well
  • What does 'ghosting' mean?
    When someone stops responding to emails/texts/calls
  • What does 'raining cats and dogs' mean?
    It's pouring hard rain.
  • What does 'throw shade' mean?
    To give a angry or upset look
  • What does 'sticky situation' mean?
    It's a tough problem.
  • What does 'being extra' mean?
    'Being too dramatic or too much'
  • What does 'rocking it' mean?
    It means doing an awesome job
  • What does 'hit the roof' mean?
    Get really mad
  • What does 'wrap your head around' something mean?
    Try to understand it
  • What does 'you're on fire' mean?
    It means you are doing an awesome job
  • What does 'break a leg' mean?
    Good luck!
  • What does 'cut it out' mean?
    Stop doing that
  • What does 'break the ice' mean?
    'Getting to know each other'.
  • What does 'it was a piece of cake' mean?
    It was easy!
  • What does 'make a bee line' mean?
    Go straight to somewhere
  • What does 'on the fence' mean?
  • What does 'slipped my mind' mean?
    It means 'I forgot'
  • What does 'screw up' mean?
    Did a bad job
  • What does 'hit the road' mean?
    Let's go! Time to get going.