
Open Up 2 revision

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  • I see birds, flowers, sun, a tree and a rainbow
  • It has eight eyes, five ears, two arms, two legs and one mouth
  • How's the weather?
    It's cold
  • L...... and sh.......
    Long and short
  • P......., b.... q........!
    Please, be quiet!
  • We can......
    We can read, draw, write, count
  • How's the weather?
    It's cool
  • B.... and s......
    Big and small
  • I see children, trees, a swing, a jump rope, a ball and a slide
  • It has two arms, two legs, one eye, one mouth and no nose
  • O..... and n......., d........ and c..........
    Old and new, dirty and clean
  • How's the weather?
    It's hot
  • L...... s.........!
    Let's share!
  • We can.....
    We can jump, run, walk, clap
  • A..... y..... o.......?
    Are you okay?
  • How's the weather?
    It's warm