
CL 9 4th Quarterly Exam Reviewer

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  • The interior obstacle to true freedom
    doubt and ignorance
  • What is a good or correct conscience?
    the one which corresponds to objective moral values and precepts.
  • What are the two levels of Freedom?
    Freedom of Choice (doing) and the Fundamental Freedom (being)
  • What conscience is not?
    Conscience is not individualistic, it is not God's voice within us, and it is not about feeling guilty or compelled.
  • The principles of Catholic Social teachings.
    The teaching of the Church that are fundamentally grounded on biblical sources highlight the threefold principle of human dignity, human equality and h. freedom
  • What is the distinction between Conscience and Law?
    Conscience is the subjective norm or morality. Law is the objective norm of morality.
  • The basic condition to true freedom based on John 8:31-32.
  • Conscience as “the most secret core and sanctuary of a man” that summons him “to love good and avoid evil” is based on:
    Gaudium et Spes, 16 (GS 16)
  • The spiritual gifts that enable human person to think critically and choose willfully.
    Intelligence and Freedom
  • The source of human freedom?
  • What is bad or erroneous conscience?
    The one which mistakenly judges something as morally good which is objectively evil.
  • These three dimensions of the one moral act "must always be considered together to make an adequate moral judgement."
    The ACT chosen (what), the INTENTION (why), and the Circumstances (who, when, where, how)e
  • This is the consistent message of correct conscience.
    Do good and avoid evil.
  • What are the Church Teachings about freedom?
    Read and understand: CCC 1731, CCC 1733, & GS 17
  • TRUE OR FALSE [Christian Faith is more than a set of truths to be believed; it is the way of Christ which leads to life.]
    TRUE (CCC 1696)
  • What are the impediments to Authentic Freedom?
    biological, psychological, and spiritual
  • What are the three moments in which our conscience judges?
    Consequent, Concomitant, and Antecedent
  • What are the teachings of the Church on Conscience?
    Read and understand: Gaudium et Spes 16 (GS 16), Declaration on Religious Freedom, 14 Veritattis Splendor, 62 (VS 62)
  • What is the first level of conscience?
    knowing what is right based on instinct
  • What are the two types of conscience?
    Correct Conscience and Erroneous Conscience
  • The greatest single obstacle to authentic freedom. (CCC 1740, CFC 696)
  • How to develop our conscience?
    Our conscience develops with the help of family upbringing, basic education, catechetical instruction, spiritual formation, and cultural experiences. (CCC 704)
  • He is the Way whom we follow, the Truth that we ought to know, and the life because he shows us the way to the Father.
  • What are the universal values and standards that will help our conscience to be formed and guided correctly?
    Ten Commandments, Precepts of the Church, and reasonable Civil Laws
  • The goal of our daily moral living through a life in Christ
    Eternal Salvation