
Let's go 3 unit 4 clothing

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  • What is he wearing?
    He is wearing slippers.
  • She often ........ to school.
    takes a bus
  • Do you like ... shirts?
  • He often ... before going to bed.
    takes a bath
  • Where was he last night?
    He was at the pet store.
  • How many .... do you have?
  • Do you like wearing .....?
  • I've never driven a ......
    fire engine
  • He often .... to work.
    takes a subway
  • I like the ...... dress.
  • What do you usually in the morning?
    I often take a shower.
  • Which skirt do you like?
    I like the checked one.
  • Does he ever fly a ...?
  • do you have your ....?
    bathing suit
  • Do you ever ...?
    drive a tractor
  • She never .... at school
    talk on the telephone
  • What do you like (eat) ...?
  • What is he doing?
    He is driving a car.
  • How do you go to school?
    I often take a train.
  • How does he go to work?
    He drives a police car.
  • What is she wearing?
    She is wearing pajamas
  • Where was he yesterday?
    He was in the restroom.
  • He has a ......... facemask.
    polka dot
  • I always ... to school.
  • Where is she now?
    He is on the stairs.