
reading part 6 practice B1

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  • The orchestra played a selection of classical and popular music so there was something ___ everyone to enjoy.
    something for everyone
  • _____ do you prefer, pizza or pasta?
  • A _____ times a week I make an omelette for my lunch.
    A few times
  • It's often ____ windy here that the waves are more than 2 metres high.
    so windy that
  • This is urgent. Please call me ____ soon as you can.
    as soon as
  • The event sounded like fun, so we decided to _____ part in it.
    take part in it
  • You have to pay for the hotel room ___ advance.
    in advance
  • We should make some pancakes; it only ____ a few minutes and it's a delicious meal!
    it only takes a few minutes
  • It was embarrassing. I didn't really know ___ to say to him.
    what to say
  • He can't really do sculptures but he is very good __ painting.
    good at painting
  • Adele sang a beautiful solo. She is ____ a good singer that the audience thought they were listening to a recording!
    such a good singer
  • It rained all day and I didn't feel ____ doing anything.
    didn't feel like doing
  • Stonehenge is a group of prehistoric stones arranged ___ circles.
    arranged in circles
  • If you aren't in the mood to shop, ___ not watch a film at the 10-screen cinema?
    why not
  • Would you ___ giving Mrs Ford a message for me?
    Would you mind
  • She asked me whether I'd like tea ____ coffee.
    tea or coffee
  • I didn't know how to repair my watch, so I asked my cousin, ____ could fix anything.
  • The season I like ___ most is summer.
    the most